
一个能让你在饥荒世界里使用元素反应的MOD (如果喜欢的话能点个免费的赞吗,我会继续加油哒,谢谢)

A MOD which enables you to use elemental energy in the DST world (Could you please give a like to the MOD if you like it? I will carry on.Thanks!!!)

命之座和天赋界面目前是无效界面 Constellation and Talents screens are invalid in current version

1.2版本更新速览 ●圣遗物系统,包含7套圣遗物 ●一个全新的UI面板 ●武器削弱和其他调整 Version 1.2 Quick Scanning ●Artifacts System, contains 7 artifacts. ●A new UI Board. ●Weaken the weapon and other adjustment.

包含火、冰、水、雷,风、岩(除了草元素)元素,以及蒸发、融化、超导、超载、冻结、感电、扩散和结晶元素反应,同时保留物理伤害并增加碎冰伤害。 给饥荒原版战斗组件增加了暴击率、暴击伤害、防御力、元素伤害加成、元素抗性、元素精通等属性。 由于怪物新增了防御力和物理/元素伤害抗性,缺少圣遗物的前期的伤害可能会显得有点低

The MOD contains Pyro, Cryo, Hydro, Electro, Anemo and Geo element(NO Dendro), and also contains reactions as Vaporize, Melt, Superconduct, Frozen, Electro-charged, Swirl and Crystallize.It preserves physical damage and add Shatter damage to it. As your enemies now have defense and Physical/Elemental RES,your damage may be lower than before in the early days without artifacts.

由于本mod不是一个人物mod,为了体验到元素伤害,我添加了一把武器给大家使用: 基础攻击力 34,与原版长矛相同 持有该武器时可以释放重击(长按F)和武器技能(冷却7秒) 自带两个格子,在里面放入宝石可以分别使重击和武器技能带上相应元素附魔 元素对应如下: 火–红宝石;冰–黄宝石(没有浅蓝,悲);水–蓝宝石;雷–紫宝石;风–绿宝石;岩–橙宝石 另外,武器带有如下副属性: 1. 22.1%暴击率加成 2. 释放武器技能造成元素伤害时,提高全元素伤害16%,持续10秒 3. 元素伤害暴击时,武器技能的冷却时间减少1秒,该效果每3秒仅能触发一次

As this MOD is not a character MOD, in order to experience the elemental damage, I made a new weapon for you: Its base damage is 34, which is equal to that of the spear. You can use charged attack by press “KEY_F” and use the skill of weapon(the CD is 7 seconds). The weapon has two slots. When you put gems in the each slot, charged attack or the weapon skill will be attached with element. Pyro – red gem; Cryo – yellow gem; Hydro – blue gem; Electro – purple gem; Anemo – green gem ;Geo – orange gem And the weapon has some other characteristics as following: 1.22.1% CRIT Rate. 2.When the weapon skill damage is attached with element, all element DMG will increase by 16%, the effect remains for 10 seconds 3.When elemental damage crittrd, the CD of weapon skill will decrease 1 seconds, this effect can be triggered only once in every 3 seconds.

来自原神的七套圣遗物,分别是: 冰风迷途的勇士, 炽烈的炎之魔女, 翠绿之影, 如雷的盛怒, 沉沦之心, 悠古的磐岩, 苍白之火, 它们的效果与原神中保持一致 在击败生命值大于1000的生物时有概率掉落圣遗物 可以将三个圣遗物用圣遗物打包盒打包后,制作任一套装的还圣匣,打开后可以获得该套装一件随机圣遗物

7 Artifacts Sets from Genshin Impact, they are: Blizzard Strayer, Crimson Witch of Flames, Viridescent Venerer, Thundering Fury, Heart of Depth, Archaic Petra, Pale Flame, Their effect is the same as that in Genshin Impact Can obtain artifacts after beating creatures whose HP > 1000 You can pack 3 artifacts with artifacts bundlewrap and craft Strongbox, which contains a random artifact of that set.

可以在生存栏制作存放圣遗物的容器,替换该容器中的圣遗物时需要打开该容器再进入面板 You can craft a new container for artifacts in SURVIVAL Tab.Need to open the container before you open UI to switch artifacts in it.


关于反馈BUG,建议订阅“错误追踪”mod,可以直接把报错日志发到邮箱,本MOD现已适配 You can feedback by using the following mod:“错误追踪” https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2427481232

从反馈的BUG日志来看,有相当一部分人是因为开了四格装备栏导致炸掉了,并且这个错误无法被修复,请使用五格装备栏 部分熔炉武器之类的MOD如果没有最近更新的话,没有使用官方最新的rechargeable组件,可能导致崩溃。现已作临时处理,后续仍有此类问题出现则需要检查您的MOD是否为最新版

命之座和天赋界面目前是无效界面 Constellation and Talents screens are invalid in current version