23.8.14 \\ * Buffed the Caramel cube to increase the probability of butter dropping when eaten. * 修改了一下焦糖立方,黄油爆率提升 * Changed the recipe of Caramel cube * 修改了焦糖立方的配方 * Deleted the moon spore immunity of Cafe mocha * 删除了摩卡咖啡的孢子催眠免疫的效果 23.8.8 \\ * Iced coffee becomes normal coffee when it cools down. * 冰咖啡冷却后会变成普通咖啡 * The perish time of iced coffee has decreased. * 冰咖啡保质期延长 23.7.24 \\ * Changed a recipe of Iced coffee(refer to the food information) * 更改了冰咖啡的配方(请参考食谱信息) 23.7.16 \\ * Buffed the caffeine effect duration for Super Jellybeans * 480secs => 600secs * 全能糖豆加速时间调整 * 480秒=>600秒 23.6.27 \\ * Changed a caffeine effect for Super Jellybeans to super caffeine effect (Lasts twice as long as the duration of coffee's buff effect.) * 修改了全能糖豆的咖啡加速时间,现在加速持续时间的以前的2倍 * Added a pickup sound of "Terror below" update to veggies of this mod * 新增模组植物拾取音效 23.6.26 \\ * Added a caffeine effect to Super Jellybeans * 给全能糖豆增加了咖啡的加速效果 * Changed the recipes of Super Jellybeans * 微调了全能糖豆的配方 23.5.31 \\ * Fixed the warm effect of Cafe latte didn't work * 修复食用拿铁咖啡不升温的bug 23.5.23 \\ **Added New Foods!** \\ **添加了新的食物** * Sweet potato pizza : Warly exclusive * 红薯披萨,沃利专属(红锅料理) * Sweet potato mousse * 红薯慕斯 23.5.20 * Buffed Stone soup : Added a special effect, no picky eating for Warly, Wigfrid and Wurt.Changed the recipes and spec. * 石头汤修改了配方,添加了薇格弗德,沃利和沃特不挑食的效果 * Buffed Caramel cube : Added a special effect that makes it easy to obtain butter.Changed the recipes and spec. * 焦糖块修改了配方,添加了一种特殊效果,可以很容易地获得黄油 23.5.7 * Buffed Cafe mocha : It will provide immunity against Lunar spores * 摩卡咖啡增加对月缝孢子催眠免疫 * Fixed some codes about buff effect * 修正一些关于buff效果的代码 23.4.22 * Added a new item, Watering machine : Wormwood can only craft it * 新增一个浇水器(蓝蔷薇)工具,在食物与耕种栏 * Buffed Cafe latte * 可制作拿铁咖啡